1 definition by Slayer123321

Something that people use to comfort themselves from unpleasant truths such as the fact that life is pointless or that dead people will never be seen again.

Something that people will ignore when it conflicts with their own self interest as they do not actually care about their religion but only call on it when they need it such as when they are dying of cancer etc.

This is testment to the fact that all humans are self centered motherfuckers who only want their needs satisfied and do not care about anyone elses. They are also only too glad to step on other people so they can make themselves feel superior. This is an example of when people will ignore their religion as it is conflicting with their own self interest even though their religioon tells them to love everyone but do they care- NO!!!
One day I was out in town with a friend who claims to be a christian. There was a man outside a clothes shop collecting for charity. I gave some money and suggested she give some but she said no and proceeded into the shop and spent $90 on herself for clothes she doesn't need. What a shining example of a christian.
by Slayer123321 July 31, 2005
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