3 definitions by Skeet (JT)
Exactly the same thing and backround as "tigged" but instead of using drugs it refers to drinkin excessive amounts of alcohol.
JT called up cody and rene to tell them that eric bought some 40's and ropa and we were about to get grubbed as shit!
by Skeet (JT) May 12, 2006
exactly the same as getting tigged, created in the same time period, but instead of getting high, it refers to drinking excessive amounts of alcohol
by Skeet (JT) May 12, 2006
Gettin massivly fucked up on illegal drugs, in our case, smoking massive amounts of marajuana. Term started in 2005 when some frineds needed a slang term for "getting fucked up" so that there parents wouldnt understand what they were saying.
by Skeet (JT) May 12, 2006