1 definition by Sir Maligant the Just

A noun (singular and plural) and a unit of measurement.

Noun: The ancient name for singer-warriors who defended and documented the known world during the time of dragons. Rya used their magical songs to soothe the temperamental dragons and, once mollified, rode their fiery new companions into battle. When the dragons began disappearing, so to did the Rya. But every generation or so a Rya is born whose destiny is to seek out and follow in the legendary footsteps of the Rya who came before.

Unit of measurement: The magical level of force and effectiveness used when casting spells.
How hard will it be to cast a Charm Person spell on that unicorn?
Well, seeing as how it's a magical beast and not a person it would probably take 7 to 10 Ryas.
by Sir Maligant the Just December 14, 2017
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