1 definition by Sir Azder

A long standing tradition of the International Baccalaureate (IB) where students are restricted from sleeping due to the ProCAStination and assignments due with acronyms, like ToK, IOP, IOC, IA, EE, DCP, CE, etc. Each student must re-enact this ceremony, which requires them to neglect their sleep continuously in order to be able to pass the IB.

Symptoms include (varies with person): Mental Breakdowns, Coffee Overdose, Migraines, Plagiarism, Regret over IB, among many others.

Also, students who state that they had 4 hours of solid sleep are to be considered gifted, and those who receive up to 8 hours are considered God-Blessed. However, those who receive more than 8 hours are either failing the IB, or doesn't give a ****.

Sleep Deprivation also has its benefits for the IB program, though...

Students gain the ability to BS on anything and at anytime due to the lack of sleep. They become highly analytical and could fit in a week's amount of homework in one night. These students could be credited for their sophisticated 1-hour essays that require scholars with PhD and years of experience to assemble in about a month.
Student 1: I have 3 hours of sleep on average. I am suffering from Sleep Deprivation!
Student 2: Please, I had 2 hours of sleep for 2 days! I suffer it more than you do!
Student 3: Haha, noobs, I've been awake for 2 days in a row! I AM THE DEFINITION OF SLEEP DEPRIVATION! You must kneel before me!
by Sir Azder November 4, 2013
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