1 definition by Sionic Ion

The iPhone was once the best thing since sliced bread. Now it's a joke. Everyone and their grandma believes the iPhone is the most incredible phone in the world. Stuck-up bitches look at their boyfriend's iPhone and love it and brag about their boyfriend's iPhone and then the next second complain about the phone bill and everything. They do not have common sense to understand what the phone was really made for and WHO it was made for...intelligent people. But it doesn't matter now, because the iPhone sucks now.

Want a good phone? Consider a Windows Phone for a simple yet always evolving phone that is easy to use and has Xbox Live built-in and Zune. Consider a low-end Android device if you just want an okay phone. Consider a high-end Android device if you want some good shit!

Don't get an iPhone because the fanboys will attack you...
"Is that an iPhone?"
"How many gigabyte does it have?"
"32 gigabytes..."
"OMG, that is like soo big..."
"That's what she said..."
"Yeah I thought so..."

This is an example of fanboys surrounding you and your iPhone, ater prolonged exposure to fanboys Your mind begins to deteriorate and you start acting like the above to women because you can't stand them annoying you asking the same damn questions!
by Sionic Ion March 3, 2011
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