1 definition by Sieg Heil Neocon

A dangerous & manipulative pseudo-religious cult that promotes a fake religion through Hollywood (suitably called Hollyweird) connection by claiming to help eliminate unhappy memories & negative emotions from human consciousness to achieve the "Clear" status in order to attain superhuman powers like possessing the healing power of Jesus Christ, flying like Superman & fulfilling the fantasy of a mediocre Chevy Chase movie "Memoirs of an Invisible Man".

The Church of Scientology was invented by L. Ron Hubbard who stated "the way to make a million dollars is to start a religion" in response to the run-away best-selling success of his self-help book "Dianetics" in the 50's to the stunned amazement of his fellow accomplished science fiction writers. Worse than Dominionism & Mormon Church in their strong-arming tactics reminiscent of severe threat of ostracization & bodily harm, torture & re-education in totalitarian regimes. Three things Scientology runners & its devout fucked in the head members hate the most: psychiatry, IRS and anti-Scientology bashers on the Internet.

It's no wonder European countries, Germany in particular, vigorously prosecute Scientology for its shady money-making scheme conspiring to brainwash & dupe people into donating huge portion of their hard-earned incomes through selling houses, cars, properties, et cetera (in cases of rich Hollywood actors & established musicians, advancing through the courses would be easier by immediately paying hundreds of thousands out of pocket)

Google to read the unbelievably insane June 1983 Penthouse interview with L. Ron Hubbard Junior (the founder's own son who was born severely premature because of a botched abortion by his daddy) who called the pseudo-religion Scientology "and other cults one-dimensional, and we live in a three-dimensional world. Cults are as dangerous as drugs. They commit the highest crime: the rape of the soul."

Scientology is a reprehensibly sick & monstrously evil cult & must be wiped off the face of the Earth. It hates humankind by taking the advantage of uninformed people to exploit for greed & destroy lives by blackmail & violence if they try to bolt for the exit. Yet it continues to enjoy the freedom of religion guaranteed under the First Amendment, just like Mormon church founder Joseph Smith Junior took advantage of the Constitution to start a horseshit religion to mind fuck & control believers & converts in the quest for the Almighty Dollar.
Katie Holmes is a smart, spirited & marginally talented Catholic woman who became yet another two-bit brainwashed celebrity victim because her flamer love Tom Cruise (who uses her as his beard) insist that she try being audited by Scientologist counselors...good grief Nicole Kidman called bullshit & got dumped by him.
by Sieg Heil Neocon June 14, 2005
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