2 definitions by Sharks R is

Maddies are ferrets who explode after being very excited. They tend to make people laugh and smile by the way they eat and how they are very, VERY awkward. They deny they are a ferret but, they really are.
Woah did
You just see that Maddie?!?! It exploded!!! Cause of death: excitement.
by Sharks R is January 12, 2016
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Maddies are ferrets who explode after being very excited. They tend to make people laugh and smile by the way they eat and how they are very, VERY awkward. They deny they are a ferret but, they really are.
Woah did
You just see that Maddie?!?! It exploded!!! Cause of death: excitement.
by Sharks R is January 12, 2016
Get the Maddie mug.