2 definitions by Sh4k3rW1ll

Xbox LIFE - The act of doing nothing but playing the Xbox with a LIVE Gold Membership.
"What are you talking about? We're not allowed to have lives outside of Left 4 Dead." - Whenever I bring up my life outside of Xbox LIVE to my friend on LIVE (he's kidding)

The perfect example of an Xbox LIFE in joke form.
by Sh4k3rW1ll September 18, 2009
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1. (archaic): Lacking confidence in others; distrustful.

2. Lacking confidence in one's self; distrustful of one's own powers; not self-reliant; timid; modest; bashful; characterized by modest reserve.
"Man, Robert lacks confidence in others and is so distrustful."

Y'know, there's a word for that. It's called diffident.

"Man, Robert is so diffident."

Now you're learning.
by Sh4k3rW1ll January 30, 2010
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