1 definition by Savage 21_BESTIE_JMA


A San’Cori is a person with the most wildest personality. She’s funny,outgoing, and can be rude if you mess with her. She’s the best person you’ll ever meet. And of course, she’s very beautiful even though she say that she’s not.She LOVES food. So if she’s ever mad or sad just take her some food and you’ve made her day. She’s LOUD which is funny.

She’s very LOYAL to her friends.
Especially, her Best Friend.They do everything together and they always count on one another. And if you EVER mess with her one of her best friends you’re going to regret it. A boy lucky enough to ever date a San’Cori is the luckiest boy on earth.But if you ever want to date a San’Cori you’re going to have to check in with The Best Friend first. The Bestie has to approve first. And if you ever break her heart you’re going to regret that too. Anyways, there’s more to a San’Cori. But just know she’s the BEST PERSON you could ever meet !
Person 1: Omg it’s SAN’CORI !!! Should I go talk to her ?

Person 2: Yeah man ! Don’t worry just go talk to her .
by Savage 21_BESTIE_JMA May 23, 2018
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