1 definition by Samskolan

Göteborgs Högre Samskola is a private school in Gothenburg, Sweden.

The school was established in 1901, and was one of the first coeducation schools in Gothenburg, and the first one with mixed classes in High school.
Samskolan is a prestigious school and is also (according to city gossip) believed to have an upper class profile. This is most likely because many upper class and wealthy families want there children to have a good education and therefore put there them in Göteborgs Högre Samskola.

Göteborgs Högre Samskola is ranked as one of the best schools in Sweden and it is most selective, last year the acceptance rate was the lowest in Gothenburg and the second lowest in Sweden. Many notable Swedish people have attended the school.
Puplic school guy: What school do you go to?
Göteborgs Högre Samskolan student: Göteborgs Högre Samskola
Public school Guy: Snob!
by Samskolan May 28, 2011
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