1 definition by Samothy, Timuel, & Joquez

Ultindines is a game played at parties. It is a mix of ultimate spoons and sardines. You hide the spoons randomly outside in the front yard. You play spoons in the foyer of the house, so that only the front door is between the players and the spoons. Once someone gets four of a kind, everyone runs outside to find a spoon. The dealer then hides inside and once a player finds a spoon he or she must then run back inside and hide with the dealer. The player who does not get a spoon gets two letters, "U" and "L" to spell Ultindines. The last player with a spoon to find the dealer gets one letter, "U". The player with a spoon to find the dealer first loses a letter (if he has one) and becomes the dealer the next round. Whoever spells Ultiindines is out!
Phil: "Hey! I got this big party this weekend and I don't know what to do. What game could we play?"

Jimmy: "Yo dood you have got to play Ultindines. It is the best game ever! Its crackalakin! Its the shiz!"
by Samothy, Timuel, & Joquez January 15, 2013
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