1 definition by Sailor plue

An incognito cuss word with many meanings used primarily by young weird people that watch too many cartoons. A vile dirty word used by trash gremlins for nefarious purposes. Primarily describes a nasty round object exuding filth. Used to stun and confuse people like they’re Pokémon. Anger old women. Make randoms feel left out. Being a little known word, it’s safe to use in the workplace and around children, just confuses everyone who doesn’t know what it means. Apparently it means bear in Swedish (which technically does fall into this definition of bjorns ((see: nasty round nefarious objects)).

It is a noun.
Pronounced “bee-yorns”
“Hey man can you pass me the eggs?”

“Oh you mean the bjorns?”

“Suck my bjorns”

“That’s because you look like the underside of my bjorns”

WHEW, it smells like bjorns in here dude. What is that?”
by Sailor plue April 13, 2023
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