1 definition by Saaski_100

A person who essentially rapes the culture of Japan. These people are anime freaks, and know absolutely NOTHING of the Japanese culture except from what they have seen in anime. They may think it quite cool to add '-san' or '-chan' to the end of people's names, use their 4-word Japanese vocabulary in everyday situations and wear black all the time. These people generally only make friends with other Japanophiles and are seen mostly as losers.

These people watch a bunch of cheap, crappy animes that have gotten really popular because of the Japanophile culture. These animes include Inu-Yasha, Full-Metal Alchemist, Sailor Moon, and Naruto.
"Konichiwa. ^-^ Inu-yasha is on! It's my favorite because Kagome is SO kawaii." (something a japanophile would say)
by Saaski_100 October 24, 2006
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