1 definition by SL500

(m) The asian underling (chink) of a jewish (jew) fund manager. Typically an analyst, associate, or principal of any public or private equity firm working for a Managing Director. Hired for their excessive education and ability to use an abacus. Jinks can be male or female, but females are often referred to as "Jragons" or "Janks".

They are easily identifiable because they never make decisions, type or scribble illegible notes at a feverish pace, have a rash around their neck caused by the constant yanking of their leash by their Jew master, and have bad oral hygiene.

Jinks speak softly and often incomprehensibly because they get scooped up quickly by mobs of bagel eaters before their english skills develop.
Jerome: "Well it is very nice to meet you Richard. Your company sounds like a very unique approach to the problem of the recent menorah shortage."
Richard(CEO): "That's great. What are the next steps for your investment decision?"
Jerome: "First I'd like you introduce you to Chong Peng. He's my Jink and will spend the next few days with you to drill down on your financial models and assumptions"
Chong: "I rike youl companry troo. A vely ureek stlategly"
Jerome: "Now please excuse me as tomorrow is a holiday and I need to get to the Hamptons. You're in good hands with my Jink".
by SL500 October 15, 2010
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