3 definitions by SERIOUSLY SARAH

When you are trying to text people dramatically, and instead of typing in 'excuse' you type 'excuzzle'
Sarah, being dramatic: "BLAH BLAH BLAH
You, with hip words in mind: "well excuzzle me Sarah!"
by SERIOUSLY SARAH July 19, 2017
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When you get pissed at school and aren't aloud to say 'fuck' so you start saying 'frick' but then you get really hungry and start thinking of pepperoni so you say frickeroni
You: this is stupid how could I fail. F-
*stomach* : I WANT PIZZZA
by SERIOUSLY SARAH September 7, 2017
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When you are trying to tell people how right they are, in a dramatic way
Someone: OMG the homework was so hard last night ugh!!
You: Exactles man!! PREACH!
by SERIOUSLY SARAH July 28, 2017
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