2 definitions by Rxshh

A person who seems to be a introvert & when alone, is actually the opposite, is a memester, troller, loves raps, is a sassy hoe, is harmless, a beautiful soul, can be seductive at times, likes to learn dance & song covers, loves youtube & being lazy but will do anything for the person who gives free food, loves animals eps. Pandas & koalas...
friend: dude! did you just called my puppy a BiTcH ?
valushka: hoe , a female dog is called a bitch
by Rxshh March 29, 2019
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A person who seems to be a introvert & when alone, is actually the opposite, is a memester, troller, loves raps, is a sassy hoe, is harmless, a beautiful soul, can be seductive at times, likes to learn dance & song covers, loves youtube & being lazy but will do anything for the person who gives free food, loves animals eps. Pandas & koalas...
friend: dude! did you just called my puppy a BiTcH ?
valushka: hoe , a female dog is called a bitch
by Rxshh March 29, 2019
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