4 definitions by Ruby stead

The act in which you are involved in beef and you begin to get scared or shake
*whilst in an argument*
“Oh my god my legs are shaking”
-“Babes you’ve got beephobia
by Ruby stead January 20, 2018
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The act in which you get scared or shake when involved in beef or any argument
Babe your shaking, must be beephobia
by Ruby stead January 20, 2018
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To be someone of similarity to Cameron Scott darling or To be cunt like
Oh my god stop being so double standards you’re turning into cameron
by Ruby stead December 16, 2021
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When you're having beef with someone and you're so hyped on the beef you can't stop shaking
*having an argument* omg I've got beef shakes man
by Ruby stead January 20, 2018
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