2 definitions by Roosevelt Coopling

Zood is a slang term for drunk or drunkenness which includes:

# aled up (mainly North UK)
# ankled (mainly Bristol)
# arse over tit
# lubricated
# Yoopered (Lower Peninsula of Michigan slang)
# zonked **
# zooted
# zood
Person 1) What I think about a truffle is that It's a tuber, not a mushroom, "zood".

Person 2) No, a truffle is not a tuber like a potato is a tuber. It is a member of the fungal genus Tuber. Two different things. "Zood."
by Roosevelt Coopling August 15, 2008
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(noun) from the Spanish "broma" - joke. When you are so full of shit that whatever you say is considered "imbromation".
Mister President comes to us full of his imbromation. We ain't gonna fall for that this time!
by Roosevelt Coopling May 23, 2022
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