2 definitions by Robert M. Cassidy

PHF: Public Holiday Fodder

- a term I came up with to describe any movie which is regularly shown on TV over public holidays, such as Bank Holidays or Christmas.
Typical examples of PHF (in the UK at least) include 'WarGames', 'Tron', 'The Black Hole', 'D.A.R.Y.L', 'The Great Escape', 'Goldfinger', and any of the 'Herbie' movies.
by Robert M. Cassidy September 5, 2006
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"Pulling a Deckard": the art of shooting someone defenseless in the back, particularly if they are running away from the shooter.
I came up with this one myself; it is a reference to a sequence in the 1982 movie 'Blade Runner', where Deckard (Harrison Ford) pursues and guns down the 'Zhora' replicant (Joanna Cassidy).

"Pulling a Deckard" may also be used in past tense, for example:
"Whoa, did you see that cop? He just pulled a Deckard!!"
BUT it may not be used in future tense.

This is a fun one to use when watching other action films; it may also be used if a knife is thrown into someone's back, rather than them having been shot.
by Robert M. Cassidy September 5, 2006
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