1 definition by Ric Rian

One of the most talented artists in music.
One man who most people tend to hate on because of his voice, and usually nothing else.
He has been called a faggot and a wigger, even though he's banging Jessica Biel (and as proof, there are pictures of him and her kissing in a diner), Has dated Britney Spears and Scarlett Johanssen, has his own style, dosen't do rap music (which is usually done by black men and ((of course,)) Eminem), dosen't breakdance, and don't wear bling or 'ice'.

Most people who hate on him are White guys who are the ACTUAL wiggers, all they do is listen to rap all day and try to become rappers by recording themselves and selling their "demo tapes", which no one will buy because the person on the cover is a white guy.

Plus, if you think he's trying to be black by collaborating with black men, it's most likely because the popular people in music today are mostly black, the popular white people are usually rock artists and Justin Timberlake.

You may just say I'm another guy defending him since i like his music, and you are correct, i used to think the same of him until i actually HEARD one of his songs on the radio, "My Love" which features rapper T.I.

Maybe one day you'll stop wasting time by dissing him and do something productive, maybe actually LISTENING to his songs other than judging him on how your friends judge him, maybe they heard him and decided "hey, i dont like him because this song is stupid", or something like that. It makes fans mad when you diss their idol, and I'm sure you get mad when people diss yours, why not, before you leave a comment on here that will make people mad, look on this website for the defenitions on YOUR favorite singer or person in showbisness and see how you feel after reading the negative defenitions about them, and you'll know exactly how we feel.
Guy 1: "Goddamnit, Fucking Justin Timberlake is on"
Guy 2: "What's wrong with Justin Timberlake?"
Guy 1: "He's a Fag"
Guy 2: "How is he a fag?"
Guy 1: "I don't know, he just is"
by Ric Rian August 14, 2007
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