8 definitions by RevWaldo

Cheap fortified wine, in particular the type drunk by winos on skid row such as Mad Dog, Night Train, and Thunderbird. Winos often "fortify" wine with other alcohol, including denatured alcohol such as rubbing alcohol and sterno.
But you take that Sneaky Pete 1 stuff they're drinkin' nowadays. That's wors'n anything! Nah .... I would'n touch'a stuff! That Sneaky Pete drives a man crazy! And it ain't nothin' but cheap wine! That's all it is! You know that guy, crazy Mike, who's always comin'in here makin' trouble? He got that way drinkin' that Sneaky Pete stuff! I won't touch it. I wouldn't touch it if you give me all'uh money in the world! I wouldn't touch a drop of it! No sir!
by RevWaldo September 29, 2010
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