2 definitions by Rev Jim D

Cough break -
1. Removing one's self from an area to cough.
2. Taking a break to smoke weed.
Cough break -

As suggested by Trump to Mulvaney, "if you're going to cough please leave the room. You just can't you just can't cough boy oh boy." "I don't like that you know I don't like that". "Let's do that over".

Always smoke outside, and bring a friend. :-)
by Rev Jim D June 22, 2019
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1. A break to cough.

2. A break from activity due to cough as suggested by #45 Donald Trump 🍊🤡
3. A break to go smoke, usually weed. #420
I'm going out for a cough break, you have any rolling papers?
by Rev Jim D June 22, 2019
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