1 definition by Resistence of TSUN

A University that is located in the northern part of the state of Mississippi. Mascot is the Rebels. However, do to recent events of their mascot being dubbed as a rascist symbol of the old confederacy, their new mascot is the Rebel Black Bear. Which is stupid as fuck since there are no black bears in the state of Mississppi. It is a rascist college filled with preppy white supremecists who honestly believe themselves to be better than the rest of the world. Ole Miss should be and is considered by many The Insurgency Up North. It is a fact that Ole Miss people are rascists, and they are not even real people like the rest of the world. 90% of the students that attend Ole Miss are preppy, rich, snobby assholes who all deserve to die.
Tyler: Ugh, I have to drive my beamer today because my Audi is in the shop.
Zach: Wow, that's uh shitty. What are you ? A Rebel?
Tyler: Hotty Totty gosh all mighty, whim wam flim fam, Ole Miss God damn! You bet your poor ass I am, and I'm better than you!
John: So your going to go to Ole Miss?
Jeremy: Yes I am, I am to rich and important to go anywhere else.

John: So your an asshole?
Jeremy: A rich asshole, get it right you nigger peasant!
by Resistence of TSUN August 28, 2011
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