1 definition by Rayleiyn

A Rayleiyn. They can be so kind in a moment, or for a life time, it just has to be the right person for them and they will know. They can have the best of friends and the worst but they try not to let it change them. Rayleiyn is a more masculine person from observation avoids the female section at a store, is just one of the boys. Rayleiyn's will PROBABLY be Gay but why does that need to be included in here? It doesn't. And that's how they feel. They don't let a sexuality define someone and doors are open if you need a place to go. Rayleiyn's have hard a hard time trusting people, anxiety, stress, or even all of those, plus. They may have had a hard life but they try not to let it define them or change the way they act. They act strong for themselves and for others and is there for their bestfriends party, sleepover, or just a vent session. They lack some confidence. And lastly off the top of my head? They find that one person they don't know, that they want to know, and no matter how different they are or how much they fight, they need that person.

I am a Rayleiyn. I have a lot more I haven't included but hey. I'm gay, and I'm currently single. At the same time. I found my one person, I walked up to her and wanted to be her bestfriend or even just friend, her name is Hevyn. I want her with me forever and after. She's my BFFLAAD... Best Friend For Life and After Death. I love this girl. She's straight We'll see if I can change that hehe. 💜 I have so much I haven't included.
Rayleiyn can be a hard piece of metal to bend and work with, but sometimes, and only sometimes, it really can be worth it .
by Rayleiyn October 28, 2019
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