1 definition by Rapunzel in 203

Kerri is the best roommate that a mythology-loving writer could ask for.
She looks like Merida, from Disney's "Brave," and her wild red hair is immediately recognizable in a crowd. She's sassy and curvaceous, and all the boys want to tap them hips (good for bearing children!). She could talk for days about Greek and Egyptian mythology, and probably will if you give her half a chance. She's a spectacular writer and graphic designer, and is the empress of fonts; her favorites are Papyrus and Comic Sans. She's so ginger it hurts. She loves the name Jerry.
She is the stereotypically Irish goddess of potatoes--whenever she decides that she wants potatoes, there WILL be potatoes. Or else.
Damn, look at that Kerri. That's a mighty fine specimen of feminine and intellectual prowess. Look at that sexy brain. I want me a piece of that!

Baby, I want you to be the Isis to my Osiris, the Psyche to my Eros.
by Rapunzel in 203 October 12, 2012
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