1 definition by RadToaster

Thorvald is an incredibly sweet guy. He is thoughtful and is the definition of "couldn't hurt a fly". He is also smart as hell, though always hard to tell, where he gets his info from, he seems to know a little about everything.
Although hard to get close to, once you earn his love it will be worth it.
Any girl would be lucky to meet him, he is sweet, smart, funny, and extremely loveable.
He has a tendency to stick to himself but is never scared to hang out or meet new people, though he likes to keep his inner circle close, he is not scared to give new people a chance. Being slightly introverted, never underestimate his loyalty, he will never back down when it matters, no matter the task Thorvald is your guy.
Dude, if you need help, just call Thorvald
by RadToaster June 16, 2020
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