1 definition by Ra Ra Riot

A person inbetween the ages of young teenager to early thirties who wears vintage/thrift store clothing and tends to embrace the underground, indie culture (art, books, music) instead of the mainstream. A typical hipster wears thick rimmed glasses/sunglasses (mostly Ray-Bans), skinny jeans, ironic tees or band shirts, and low top Converse or some kind of colorful high tops. They mostly listen to indie bands that are about to make it big, such as Phoenix. They have their own 'hip' slang such as 'deck' which means cool. They often hang out at coffee shops and have artfully messy hair. They dislike labelism and being called a hipster. They most likely live in SF's Haight, Williamsburg, SoHo, or the Mission District.
That hipster is so against the mainstream.
by Ra Ra Riot June 30, 2009
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