1 definition by QuueenAseNegus

Jamekia is the true definition of a queen. She has knowledge of self and spreads ot to others all around her. Her attitude can be rude and often standoffish but only to people who try to affect her energy in a negative light. She is a wonderful concious being , who has a mother's nurturing heart. Careful not to cross her as she is easy to love and hard to fight. She can het into your mental and make you love every part of her and yourself. Losing her would be like losing a finger or a toe... you may act as if it doesnt bother you because you have others , but you'll always notice that its gone. She's been hurt, and abused in many ways but she has the strength of an Ox and 1000 ancestors behind her to continuosly help her through her endeavours. She glows in the sunshine and the moonlight dances off of her skin. She is God , the black woman i true form. She is Jamekia... if there is anyone else out there with the name Jamekia i hope that ive described us all to perfection. Love and light goddessess muah!
Guy A: Whats wrong man ive bever seen you so down?

Guy B: " My Jamekia, i lost her, ill never have a Jamekia again.."
by QuueenAseNegus June 6, 2021
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