1 definition by Question kid

Field hockey is actually a very hard sport. Many people believe field hockey is a girl sport but it actually isn't. Boys play field hockey too. Many people believe field hockey is a easier version than ice hockey but it isn't. Really there is no penalty for hitting people with a hard wooden stick. Playing the sport is hard to because you can't use both sides of the stick unlike regular hockey. Many people believe that field hockey is a lesbian sport when it isn't. It is mainly a sport about a bunch of people who are able to run and hit a ball really hard. When people say field hockey is a sport for people who can't play real hockey is ridiculous. Especially since in ice hockey you use a puck instead of a hard plastic ball. I know you are thinking please it is a plastic ball. Well it doesn't even bounce even a lacrosse ball bounces. In conclusion field hockey is a tough sport
Person 1 did you see the girls field hockey game.

Person 2 no why

Person 1 she broke her hand and tried to continue playing.

Person 2 wow
by Question kid August 13, 2018
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