1 definition by Pug/Ella Lover

Ella is the most beautiful girl you will ever know. She somehow manages to light up an entire room with her laugh, and the way her eyes look when she smiles is simply heavenly. If you have the fortune to meet an Ella, she will completely change your life, whether through being an amazing friend or just making you realize that she might very well be the love of your life. She is so effortlessly smart, witty, adorable, and caring. When she talks art history or Victorian literature, you will feel your ovaries explode. Ella will be there for you through thick and thin, and when you're with her, she magically makes you feel like you're the only two people in the world. Hold on to Ella, because she is the most incredible woman to walk this Earth.
Example A: I'm lesbian for Ella.

Example B: Person 1 -- Whoa, you're dating Ella? How did you get so lucky?
Person 2 -- Honestly, I have no idea, but all I can think about is buying a townhouse in London with her and spending my life with this woman.

Example C: Ella is my world, my everything, my life, everything that's good in this world, and my home.
by Pug/Ella Lover September 15, 2018
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