1 definition by Prosecutor of Nihilism

A "sad boi" AKA "an insecure pleasure seeking new age emo moron" Is typically a zoomer that ranges from 14 all the way up to 20. This "sad boi" will have anything but stunning features stylistically. It is comprised of overly priced generic t shirts with oriental characters, hoodies, joggers and possibly a hat if they don't have birds nest tik tok perm hair.

A sad boi is usually too busy professing how little he cares about the world and yet he will do anything to prove himself to it ergo he truly does care but this is how they manipulate emotionally immature females and lure them into their beds. Sad bois are very nihilistic, and lack the ability to be introspective and be honest with themselves.

Sad Bois usually are attractive facially and charming to unsuspecting emotionally immature females despite their unstable mentalities that surface later on. Sad Bois have an inability to grow up and always resort to nostalgia and fake 80s/90s music because they are so fake they can't even acknowledge the real things and the reality of their own reality.
Yo John?

Yea bro?

See that sad boi over their?

Yea that dude needs to grow up and stop seeking attention, he needs to stop feeding his selfish carnal cravings, and people need to be careful of these guys. Not only are they a danger to society mentally, but they are a danger to themselves.
by Prosecutor of Nihilism January 21, 2021
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