3 definitions by Pooja Patel

Two extremely anorexic, untalented hollywood (oh wait, they only made one movie that came out in theaters, which, by the way, sucked) showoffs...i don't know which is worse, Paris Hilton, or the Olsen twins. Their clothes suck as well...too ornate...who are they? What did they actually do (beside full house and a bunch of crappy movies)
Person 1: "Yuck! You're starting to look and act like Paris Hilton!"
Person 2: "Hmm...Someone once commented that I was starting to look and act like the Olsen Twins."
Person 1: "Well, yeah. Same thing. The Olsen twins are the Paris Hiltons of tomorrow."
by Pooja Patel June 17, 2004
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I am beasting engligh tonight because I have a paper due tomorrow and I haven't started.
by Pooja Patel June 15, 2004
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