1 definition by Pizza_lover101

Super beautiful,hot gorgeous young ladie. Nice eyes usually the eye color is around greenish grey . Hair color is black or brown. Really nice caring girl always wants to know if she can help others. She can sometimes be a little argumentative when it comes to opinions,her opinion is hers and your won’t change it. So kinda stubborn. She is a normally shy person when it comes to strangers ,but talk to someone she knows and you can’t get her to shut up! All out crazy may be insane usually won’t figure that out till she finds a guy. When she has a crush trust me she will tell you. But she is somehow shy around guys? But the guys fall for her anyway. Really Rosie cheeks. All out she is a amazing beautiful kind athletic shy tough women!
Dang bro did you see that chick!
Ya she is lit hot!!
I wounder if Mia’s single sure would love to get me some,you know what I mean!!
by Pizza_lover101 December 14, 2017
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