2 definitions by Phobo <3

Blessing is a unique and beautiful name which is quite rare. Honestly she is a blessing. She is very athletic and sporty and has the kindest heart, she has so many friends yet still makes time for everyone. She treats everyone the same no-matter their difference.She is such a beautiful girl and can pull anyone she like wit just her personality and smile. She always puts in 100% percent effort even when your not putting any in, she always tries her hardest to help and is always there for you when you need her. No-matter who you are she always has a special place for you in her her heart. She is so caring, loyal and precious never break her heart because i swear she is the one. She can get really angry sometimes but has learnt to control it but tbh this what makes her, her. Blessing may be going through a lot that nobody knows yet still never fail to put a smile on our faces. She is 1 of a kind and cant be found everywhere. If you have a blessing keep her safe and dont loose her, you may not know but your'e very luck to have her and losing her will be alot to take in bc she helped making you, you. i would never swap you for anyone or change anything ab u<3
Person 1: Whats it like having a Blessing?
Person 2: Shes and actual Blessing im so lucky to have her
Person 1: I wish i had a Blessing
by Phobo <3 August 3, 2021
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Blessing is one of the most beautiful people you will EVER meet. She is extremely kind and generous. She is popular but she doesn't let that get to her head. She is actually really smart even though she may seem like she's not. On the outside, she is smiling even though she could be hurt on the inside. She wants someone that will love for who she is, not for her popularity and looks. If this is your name, then you're absolutely amazing. Blessing is one of the most smart, capable, and funny people in the world. If you ever meet one, you're lucky. They're an absolute gem. Of course they have some issues, as all humans do, but they're generally super sweet and fun to be around. If you have one in your life, don't lose her. It'll be the greatest regret in your life. She may have her problems and issues yet never fails to put a smile on our faces. Shes one of a kind you will never find another one like her. If you do have her your extremely lucky and take care of her and keep her close Phobo <3
Person 1: Blessing is amazing
by Phobo <3 August 3, 2021
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