1 definition by Phineas Gage

An incredibly fat person. In particular, a Land Manatee has little in the way of recognizable skeletal structure. Rolls of fat disguish the neck, as well as much of the arms and legs.

Unlike the real Manatee which arguably faces the threat of extinction, the Land Manatee enjoys ever growing numbers thanks to North America's penchant for fatty food and over eating. The Land Manatee faces no natural predators and lives primarily off fast food and frozen TV dinners, though they are also known to eat vast quantities of pretty much everything.
Burger King Employee: "Our deeper fryer is empty! I mean the grease is completely gone, sucked dry."

Manager: "Land Manatees....Get the harpoon gun, they can't have gone far."
by Phineas Gage December 19, 2006
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