2 definitions by Phill De Conick

A poop that floats above the water in the toliet and releases a large ammount of stench.
You create a lincolin log poopy by layering the toilet water with tolet paper and then taking a shit in a log form and it will become supported by the toilet water and poke out of the toilet.
"Hey man look at that lincolin log poopy I left in that stall."
by Phill De Conick March 18, 2005
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aka a floater, boat or lincolin log poop

you can easily form these by:
1 before pooping cover the toilet water with toilet paper. enough so it can withstain a gaint load.
2 then POOP POOP and POOP some more.
3 DO NOT FLUSH! thats the important part.
This makes it so the log you just left will poke out of the toilet and stink like shit
by Phill De Conick March 17, 2005
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