1 definition by Pfft >:I

When you have things that any one of your friends, family member, or just a plain stranger wants so badly as to take/steal what you have to screw up your life.

A feeling you get when someone has something that you feel the need as to take/steal away what they have that you can seriously get somewhat better than what they have. Or you just want to screw someone's life up to pieces because you think it's better than yours.

To feel so down about your life you decide to screw up someone else's JUST BECAUSE YOU THINK YOU CAN'T HAVE ANYTHING BETTER THAN THE SHIT THEY HAVE. FIGHT FOR BETTER YOU DENSE FOOL.

Someone who steals your bf from you just because you had him. Same for girlfriends.

(eh, i was bored, so.....)
What example do you need? Jealousy is something you shouldn't feel when you can just fight for something better than what that person has, you dumbass. Don't screw up their lives for what you feel you can't have when you can have better~

by Pfft >:I January 13, 2014
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