2 definitions by PeenSnatcher69

When the fore skin of a males penis is half cut off, in turn making it look line a ninja mask.

The legendary staff that only the most trained and skilled ninjas acquire.
"Look at Jimmy's penis! He's got a Ninjeyrod!"
"Master am I ready?"
"Yes my son you are now the highest of ranking, here is your Ninjeyrod"
by PeenSnatcher69 April 2, 2019
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Kunjimaney is the Desi term for male genetailia (penis). It can also be used in its shortened form "Kunj" as an insult or description of someone's character trait.
Teacher: " Here class is the Kunjimaney of the boy, it can grow to any length during puberty."


Haider: " Yo Abrar, did you hear what Bantu just did to Kavinayan?"
Abrar: " Yeah didn't he just take his girlfriend?"
Haider: " That is exactly it he is such a Kunj"
by PeenSnatcher69 April 2, 2019
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