2 definitions by Peace Through Superior Water Power

A great show that impatient teens and adults hate because it doesn't answer questions when in reality it has answered many. They want all the answer in one episode because they don't know how television shows work. The show has a planned beginning/end and will end in three more seasons (6th season).
n00b: That show sucks! I want answers NOW!
Lost viewer: Grow up. It's going to end in a few seasons and then we'll see who of us was right.

n00b: FSS, I hate that show, I want it to end!
Lost viewer: Ever thought of turning the TV off when it came on?
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Myspace is a site where preps, emos, and attention whores seek to get virtual oral sex.

It is the reason why high school relationships are now impossible unless you have a Myspace. Everyone who has one has been transformed into hookers an demand a +1 to their friend's list as payment. If you're in high school and do not have a Myspace, consider yourself a god, because you're more of a human than those myspace whores. And you have one, there's still hope for redemption, you sick son of a bitch.

People who hack myspaces are actually heroes. It's like taking candy from a baby; the baby will no longer get a cavity.

In conclusion, myspace sucks. Hopefully one day some hacker god will be able to delete it from existence.
Preppy girl (on myspace): LiEK, OMG! ThaT iS SOOOOOOOOO toTALLY COOL!!!! <3
(in real life): Hey Jenny, did you read my comment on Myspace?

Emo kid (on myspace): WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME!!!!!??????
(in real life): WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME!!!!!??????

Attention Whore (on myspace): Yo dats cool man. Hey, rate puic of me chugging down that keg of beer with that slutty bitch bartender kissing me.
(in real life): Yo man, thanks for the rate. Me and the boys are going to the bar again but this time we're going to bring guns. Wanna come? Bring a camera!
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