2 definitions by Patroncowboyvaquero

When you're drunk texting your ex and you have no idea what to say and you just say drippy cheese. Cuz what the fuck. That's going to throw them off; it is funny and who the fuck cares!
Drippy cheese and then like a 🙈!
by Patroncowboyvaquero May 17, 2018
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So, punting on third strike, yeah it's like when you like throw your knee into the ball and take one for the team and so you could take a base, but you just go punch the picher out and then go for a touchdown #extrainnings cuz bath salts, yeah.
Bitch I'm already Punting on the third strike. do you really even know what I mean?
by Patroncowboyvaquero May 17, 2018
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