3 definitions by Pat Crosby

Also known as dingleberries, grundel berries are the remniants of poop that have attached to the grundel hairs during the course of wiping oneself after taking a crap. BEWARE: Grundel berries can become very itchy!
When I was younger, my mother always told me, "Make sure to wipe thoroughly to avoid those grundelberries!"
by Pat Crosby June 10, 2008
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Verb./ The act of decieving a nub in order to avoid them.
Past tense: Dooped
I invited Nick to the movies, but I purposely didn't go without telling him so I could go to the party without him. I totally dooped him!
by Pat Crosby June 10, 2008
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n; A 2-D computer game in which two players try to score a goal in their opponent's net. The game mimmics soccer, and is played with two "slimes" or blobs, who's color can be changed to represent a specific country.
During our study hall, Kyle and Pat played slime soccer becuase they didn't have any work to do.
by Pat Crosby June 10, 2008
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