1 definition by Pat Stanisz

"Leet Talk" AKA "1337 Talk".

Word(s) to type faster which can be used by numbers, characters, other symbols, or shortened words. Created to get
past word censors, or for faster chatting.
Usual Characters Used Most Popular For Leet Talk:
A- 4/@
B- l3/8
C- (/©/¢
D- |)/1)
E- 3
F- ƒ
G- 6/9
H- }-{
L- 1/!
K- |<
L- 1/!
M- /V\
N- /\/
O- 0/()
P- -
Q- -
R- ®
S- 5/$/§
T- +/7
U- |_|
V- \/
W- VV/ \/\/
X- ><
Y- ¥
Z- 2
by Pat Stanisz January 10, 2008
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