2 definitions by Panic Attack!

A branch of punk music that started in the 80s with harder, faster music than say, the Ramones. Examples of hardcore bands: Black Flag, Minor Threat, Circle Jerks, Agnostic Front. It has recently been butchered by emo and now people are calling bands such as Hawthorne Heights hardcore. Don't believe them.
Check your local hardcore scene and see if there are any real hardcore bands left.
by Panic Attack! July 12, 2005
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A dance done to Ska music that the scenester sluts and "hardcore" kids stole and added a "hXc air punch!" to. It does not work with hardcore music and people look stupid while doing it to hardcore music, especially modern hardcore music that isn't really hardcore.
Wow Jimmy, you sure looked like a douche trying to 2-step at the Fall Out Boy show last night! Don't you know that 2-stepping is for ska?
by Panic Attack! July 10, 2005
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