9 definitions by POE

comes from the geek word stavrou.

def: Little white penis sitting in the back of your CCNA class. He has a little mushroom head and ejaculates a milky white substance. He also likes to wear underpants on his head. Stavrou is a dangerous sex machine that has the ability to seduce any human being man or women.
Stavrou poked me in the butt last night!

Can I play with your Stavrou?
by POE April 23, 2004
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Slack can be a short of SLACKWARE,
Slackware Linux, the kernel or operating system or os.


Slackware is the greatest Linux distribution ever!
- Are u using windows xp?
- Yeah :-(, it can't be any worse! How about u?
- Well, I'm using Slackware Linux! It doesn't blue screen like windows! HAHA Windows Sucks!
- Yeah it really does!
by POE December 24, 2003
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