1 definition by PNH - a friend of the USA, but dubya twice!

dubya: A slang term generally referring to an especially bad case of incompetence in an important job.

1)someone who has progressed to a position in life well beyond their competence.

2)someone in a position of great authority and responsibility whose simplistic notions of complex issues lead to disasterous results.

3)someone who stubbornly sticks to ideas that do not work. Also, someone who stubbornly and irrationally remains loyal to people that have fubared their jobs.

4)someone incapable of realizing when their ideas (or the ideas of others that they have put in place by virtue of their authority)are producing results contrary to the goals set or even sanity. Stubbornly sticking with such ideas. Also, an actioned idea with said results that nonetheless continues to be pursued with vigor.

5)a person in a position of leadship who takes his organization or country down a financial path that would otherwise require he or she get credit counselling on an urgent basis.

6)someone in a position of authority who believes he/she is the "decider" or some other description of what a leader should be, constantly asserts this, but is really being manipulated by subordinates for the subordinates personal agenda and exersize of power.
1)The 43rd president of the United States of America is a dubya of monumental proportions.

2)The new CEO of our company has a dubya like grasp of our business.

3) why would the board of directors elect a dubya to run the company? It is incomprehensible.

4)What a dubya. He came in with ideas many people believed in, but that everyone now realizes, under the circumstances, just aren't working; they aren't apprpropriate, yet he keeps pursuing them. This is a disaster, and its only getting worse.

5)She is a confirmed dubya when it comes to the finances of this company. We are sinking fast and instead of bailing, she is taking on more ballast. She can't retire fast enough to save us.
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