15 definitions by Old school bossman

A daytime television show with a panel mixed of celebrity women and journalists who discuss mostly politics and news. Airs on ABC in USA and in Canada on affiliated networks to ABC. They tend to get really obnoxious and gross to listen to. They spew a large portion of opinion and empty comments without knowledge. If you really want to learn about politics read books and essays from political philosophers , theorists, or sociologists. Socialism-Communism read books from Karl Marx (marxism), Engels, Vladimir Lenin (Leninism), or Mao Zedong. Democracy "Enlightenment" read books from Smith, Locke, De Tocqueville, Hobbes or Rousseau. Anarchism read books from Noam Chomsky,Benjamin Tucker, Mikhail Bakhunin, William Godwin, Proudhon, Kropotkin, Ellul, or Emma Goldman. SO MANY MORE famous thinkers out there I haven't listed for all these political theories and thoughts on politics . Do not waste another minute of your life on this brainless show of idiotic women screaming nonsense.
"The View" truly is a blind view.
by Old school bossman November 9, 2020
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