1 definition by OUTLVW

"Casual" associated with being new, noobie, and uninformed in-said subject matter, however people who over-use "casual" in every sentence or every argument - regardless of facts just to insult the intelligence of the recipient.
Crack-stick: Begin(s) to call others casual in a debate on a subject immediately when the argument/debate has started because they are short-minded and can't combat others when challenged in a argument with their own; giving the impression that they themselves are the casual for not thinking of their own facts to mention or actual information to disapprove the argument , thus making them a "crack-stick"

1"Oh you just started playing yesterday? - thats why you suck"
2"No I've been playing since launch.. if anything you're casual here not me"
1"Explain how I'm a casual then?"
2"Shut up casual
by OUTLVW March 27, 2023
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