1 definition by Nilbog Goblin

Modern warfare 3 is the newest call of duty game that hasn't even come out, yet so many retards over the internet claim they know it is just modern warfare 2.5( it has a 3 for a reason), or that it won't be as good as battle field 3(which has also not come out yet). The thing I don't understand is why people act like they already know how it's going to turn out. People also like to also claim that more "mature" gamers play battle field 3 which makes no sense what so ever since they're both video games... Just because you don't play the game most people play doesnt make you any more mature then the people playing it

I'll probably play both and not even think one is better than the other because they're just video games.
Just look at all the shit stirring up on blog sites and game stop's review comments on mw3
by Nilbog Goblin September 11, 2011
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