2 definitions by Nick is a gay faggot

After safe intercourse you take the condom just used and flip it inside out and put it back on and stick it back in and get her prego. Therefore the uno reverse.
EX: "Damn bro did you hear cock biter Stephanie is having an unexpected baby?" Guy 1. "Yeah bro I heard it was an Uno Reverse." Guy 2.
by Nick is a gay faggot September 27, 2021
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After safe sexual intercourse with a condom the male turns the condom that he ejaculated in inside out and put it back in therefore getting the woman in question pregnant and then the man leaves.
GUY 1 "Did you hear Emma got pregnant?!" GUY 2 "Yeah dude! I heard it was a from a creamy in and out :0."
by Nick is a gay faggot September 28, 2021
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