1 definition by NewSonOfLiberty

Racism is a tool of the power elite to deprive the common man of Liberty and property by blaming a small, powerless minority for all problems in society. The plebeian is so distracted by alleged "inferior" races, he has no notice or knowledge of his enslavement by his Government. Racism is often employed under the guise of Reason;unknowingly the same proponents of racism allege that the individual does not exist. Racism is often employed by statists (KKK,Mecha,New Black Panthers) who desire nothing more than having the power of God over Man.
National Socialist:Jews are secretly in control of Germany! Rid yourself of Liberty and give the State all power! White Power!
(Resulted in the enslavement of the German people)

New Black Panther: Vote for Obama! Give the Executive all power, if you refuse this you are racist! Black Power!
(Resulted in the Executive becoming a dictator and waging war against 6 nations at once

Chinese Communist: Give all power to the State! Distribute all wealth equally, and give the Chinese People a leader they can trust! Han Power!
(Resulted in the enslavement of the Han Chinese to a tyrannical Government)

Racism leads to the dehumanization of all Men,intended or not.
by NewSonOfLiberty September 6, 2011
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